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Any Other Writers, Creators Of Any Kind. I Am Sure There Are! Please Say Hello! I Am A Virtual Volunteer. I Will Explain That Another Time!

By A myAMDteam Member 2 answers

How Long Does Cataract Symptoms Go On For You Like When I Get Blurry Vision? For Me Its Like Two Hours.

By A myAMDteam Member

Elon Musk Might Save The Blind Some Day With Neurolink But I'll Be Long Gone By Then.

By A myAMDteam Member

What’s Been Your Biggest Challenge Since Your AMD Diagnosis?

By A myAMDteam Member 2 answers
81 questions

Can You Send A Brief Description Of This App Please? Thank You

A myAMDteam Member asked a question 💭
Dallas, TX

Any Results On The Effectiveness Of Izervay For Dry AMD?

A myAMDteam Member asked a question 💭
Dallas, TX
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