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I Want To Know How Long Will I Be Able To Drive And Read. I Have Dry AMD.

A myAMDteam Member asked a question 💭
Jacksonville, FL
August 3
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A myAMDteam Member

Lots of people need cheater glasses and they don't have this disease.but I still drive at night as long as I have headlights.god bless us both.

August 6
A myAMDteam Member

I have not been able to drive for 5 years now. Reading a book or magazine for pleasure is long gone. I have an OptElect Compact 10 digital reader and multiple magnifying glasses for necessary reading. I have a 50" computer monitor. The Library of Congress furnishes most books for free through it its BARD program... Get your eye doc to get you qualified.

Yes, at least "legal" blindness will happen for most people. Full blindness likely will not.

August 4
A myAMDteam Member

I have progressive lenses for the eye that can see. I can read with that eye alone but the glasses let me move around. I can drive carefully, in my quiet little suburb, on streets that I know well, in good weather and in good sunlight. We were on a few backroads on vacation so I drove one short leg but basically just to test myself where I could stop if needed. I've read almost all the time since my brother taught me to read, over 70 years ago. A watchmaker yesterday suggested I contact the Braille Institute about watches that say the time. Radio Shack used to carry them.

August 10
A myAMDteam Member

At night I can't drive very far because the glare and the fact that I can't read the road signs. Also it's difficult for me to read without cheater glasses.

August 6
A myAMDteam Member

Thanks for answering. How long was it between first getting AMD and not being able to read and drive.

August 4

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