Where Can I Get AREDSs At The Lowest Price?
Had my first injections this week. I Have AMD in both eyes now
Worse in left eye.
I.just turned 81 and diagnosed with 2 blocked arteries. I.was scheduled for.surgery 8/7/2024 but the Neurologist set me to a Neuro-Ophthomologist first
She found the AMD. They put surgery on hold. Had the first injections a week ago. Now I see another Neurologist tomorrow. Sure glad I have good insurance.
Hope you are doing well!
Hi, Yes my Optometrist diagnosed that I have in both eyes but worse in my right which has distorted vision and lines looking wavy. When I asked her if I had wet or dry she said the retina specialist would tell me that. Causing me more stress ! I also am a caregiver for my 92 year old mother causing me more stress. I am 63 years old. My father had dry macular degeneration but not until his 80s. He passed away a year and half ago at 87.
They were not as bad as I thought they would be
Numbing meds did their job!
I saw AREDS on EBAY for. $11.88 For 90. Will check out Amazon.
Are both your eyes effected?
A Neurologist thought my poor eyesight was from Blocked arteries (which I also have). I haven't decided which.is worst.
Hi Susan, I think Amazon has the best price. How did the injection go ? I am going to the Retina Specialist on Friday and feeling anxious over it.
Where Do You Buy Your AREDS?
I See There Is A New Formula Of Areds2, Dr. Formulated Capsule, Was Wondering If Anyone Has Tried This Formula?
What Is The Best Brand Of Areds2