Where Do You Buy Your AREDS?
I joined the Macular Foundation, and they do bloodwork on me to help thm see that my body is functioning at the highest level to help my eyes. It is called Epigenetics. They advise me to use the Nutrition vitamins because they have no fillers. they tell you what your eyes need. With the bloodwork they did they found i needed attention with something not working properly in my body. They told me to go to my doctor and let them know of their findings. Well, my doctor looking into it and i now am having it addressed. That is not the reason i have AMD but for the vitamins to work best i needed to fix that condition. Wishing you well with handling this condition
I continue to research the most essential vitamins for our eyes. This link provides detailed information about what vitamins our eyes need and evaluates those vitamins and brands. Just click on this link. https://smarter-reviews.com/lp/sr-top-ingredien...
I took those over the counter Areds 2 for many years. Didn't stop me from getting full blown AMD I belong to the Macular Foundation and they had me do special bloodwork. They feel your body has to be in good condition to be able to help your eyes.
After result's they told me to contact my doctor and check out my Thyroid. They were right. I do need sugary
I take very different vitamins now that have no fillers in them to help me keep my eyesight strong as possible. I feel i wasted a lot lof years listening to my eye doctor. Wishing you the best'
I don't buy
areds. My nutrutionist makes a combination of natural plants that I make into a "beverage" that I drink three times a day. I has all the vitamins that Areds has but they are sources from nature.
I buy mine aat Walmart.
What Is The Best Brand Of Areds2
Is It Possible To Keep Our Vision For 20 Years With Dry Amd If We Take Our Areads 2 And Eat Healthier.i Feel My Vision Is Still Ok
Does Ared Cause Skin Allerg